The Best Fishing in Washington CT


Fishing bait and hook in shallow river water

Welcome to our website! Come and discover a variety of activities here in and around the lovely town of Washington and you will surely find great fishing opportunities in this breathtaking region of Litchfield county that are among the best in the state of Connecticut!

The abundance and variety of activities was one of the reasons for starting our succesful business in this amazing part of the country! We would like to share our experiences here with you.

And whether it is before or after your fishing adventure, remember that you already have found a marvellous place to stay the night...

The Best Fishing in Washington CT


The Housatonic River Outfitters provide Guided Fishing Trips. They have great, handpicked guides. Whether you choose to fish the Housatonic River, Farmington River, Upper Naugatuck or many of the smaller tributaries and lakes, you will find these guides to be an invaluable resource for learning more about fishing these premier waters. These guides have more than half a century of fishing and guiding experience between them.

Trout fisher walking in a river with his rodThey will meet you at the shop, get you outfitted with any equipment you need, help you with your casting or fishing techniques (if needed), supply you with a gourmet meal and then take you out for for your day of fishing.

There's a six-mile stretch of freestone river in northwestern Connecticut that, come October, rivals any trout stream in Montana. Because the six-mile stretch of the Housatonic River above Cornwall Bridge is entirely catch and release, the biggest fish have been lurking, and growing, for years. The state Department of Environmental Protection a few years ago banned trout-killing controlled releases from an upstream dam, restoring the river to a natural-flowing state.


The current is slow, wading is easy, and the fish are swimming, but you'll be shoulder to shoulder with the next guy. Head upstream to Turnip Island, where the river forks, and wade through fast, hip-high water to the far bank. See Tight Lines Guide for more information.

park ranger posting troutIf you want to have fishing fun with your children then check out the Trout Parks. Trout Parks are located in easily accessible areas to enhance trout fishing opportunities for young anglers and novice anglers as well as for those with mobility challenges. The frequent stockings, generally between Opening Day and Memorial Day, will greatly increase an angler's chances of catching a fish, making it a more attractive "fishing hole", particularly to children and families.

...with a touch of Dutch

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